Blazing Fast
Github Actions

Harness the power of ARM64 Silicon for Github Actions. Change 1 line, and get up to 3x faster and cheaper builds.

runs-on: macos-latest
runs-on: blaze/macos-14
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
runs-on: blaze/ubuntu-22.04
Start free trial Free trial · 300/1000 minutes · No CC required

~3x faster than Github

Less time spent waiting, more time spent perfecting your product

tracel-ai/burn Deep Learning Framework
Github Actions macOS • 4 vCPU • 14 GB
24m 50s


macOS • 4 vCPU • 12 GB
7m 45s
duckduckgo/iOS iOS Application
Github Actions macOS • 4 vCPU • 14 GB
18m 21s


macOS • 4 vCPU • 12 GB
5m 36s

Save $1318 / month

Pay 10 times less, get more done faster

Liftoff Inc
Github Actions macos-13


Jobs: 24 / day | Job Duration: 35 min Concurrent Runners: 1

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Double Symmetry has no affiliation with GitHub, Inc. or any of its parent or subsidiary companies and/or affiliates.